Monday, 3 June 2013

The power within

In times of trouble we always tend to turn to someone else to strength and support.  Of course this always helps, sharing our troubles always lessens the intensity of it.

Have you ever tried turning to yourself for strength? it may seem one of the toughest things to do when you are down, but you will be amazed by what you hold within yourself.  Clarity of thought, peace, calm and understanding are some of what you will surely find inside.  And above all else Love and strength to take each step forward to carry on.

And in time you will see how the strength and courage you funded from within takes you on your journey holding you in love always and in all ways.

I think difficulties arise so that you can truly know what you are made of and capable of.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Face the truth, face yourself

Be true to yourself - something we hear of from motivational and inspirational talks.  But do we really understand what this means or do we just accept it at face value?

I have been saying that I must be true to myself, do what is best for me while keeping everyone happy as well.  Sometimes it's all easier said than done, we can't please everyone all of the time!  It's only when we have an experience that puts us face to face with the issue that we understand its true meaning.  We cannot live by others experience of life, we must have our own experiences as we walk our path.

This is my understanding of being true to yourself: