Sunday, 3 March 2013

Until we find our true self

Image source: Astrea Sir Ana's facebook page

You feel weary, tired, lost, ready to give up,
The path has been strewn with problems with no end in sight.
All you want to do is sit down, admit defeat, let the world and it's troubles get the better of you,
Because it is too difficult to deal with it all.

At the time when you give up, when you've put down all your defences,
The miracle happens.
It does not announce itself in loud noise and come with bright and shining lights.
It happens in a flash, in a nano second:
Something happens which we can't explain, but suddenly the energy shifts;
The blockages that were there before have suddenly vanished;
You find the strength to walk again, face the difficulties.
The troubles and difficulties have not gone away, but you have the strength to carry on,
Deal with everything and resolve all the issues.

What do you think actually happened?
I believe that this is the moment when we allow our soul to take over.
We change our focus from trying to control the situations with our closed mind,
To connecting with our soul and the Divine.
This is when we are reconnected to the Divine within and one with all creation.
And in this union, we find our true self.

I believe this is the journey that we have to walk to find out who we really are.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light


  1. This touches a chord. I hope people follow what they truly believe in however difficult the path may seem. Even when we go for a holiday we leave the comforts and security of home and travel to that unknown destination. Lets get the better of our fears and lets start that journey....

    1. Yes it's so true, we have to step out of our comfort zone to actually experience and find our self.
