Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Overcoming differences

image: www.freeimages.co.uk

There are many times when we have differences with our partner that may end up in a fight where the dominant person tries to assert his or her power over the other partner, or where the couple can see through the differences and allow and accept each other’s point of view and move on from there.
Having differences of opinion is natural; we can’t all agree on the same things all the time, there will be times when we have differing views or thought processes.  What we need to be aware of when something happens to cause disharmony, is to understand what has happened, and to separate the emotions that may be clouding us from being aware of the larger and greater connection that we have with the other person in the relationship.   And this is not limited to just our life partner, it is with all our relationships.
There are times when an issue arises between my partner and me where there is cause for irritation, anger or frustration.  What we both tend to do when this happens is to back off and give the other person space to process the emotions and deal with the issue instead of getting at each other and saying or doing things that will be regretted later.  It is sometimes difficult to do because the emotions that you feel at that point can be overwhelming and you naturally feel like saying or doing whatever is on your mind.  I find that if I can distance myself from the situation and allow myself to calm down and process what has happened and understand my partner’s point of view, then more often than not and irrespective of who was at fault in causing the disharmony, I find that I can release the negative emotions.  And that brings me back to the realisation that our relationship is founded on a love that transcends all the stuff that happens which is not important.
I believe that no human being is 100% perfect, there is always about 20% of a person that we don’t agree with, but is this 20% worth fighting over and being miserable when the remaining 80% is wonderful and worth loving always?  I believe not.
In Love and Light


  1. I believe, life is a journey with many challenges that test's us, when the challenge of the situation becomes intense the test on ourselves become even more severe. Once a relationship passes through these challenging times the relationship becomes more intense and more deep. As they say gold gets the shine only after passing through the heat.

  2. Yes very true, we have opportunities in our relationships to see the real us and then bring out that which we choose to experience keeping in mind the other person in the relationship as well. Everything opens us up to who we really are.
