Saturday 1 June 2013

Face the truth, face yourself

Be true to yourself - something we hear of from motivational and inspirational talks.  But do we really understand what this means or do we just accept it at face value?

I have been saying that I must be true to myself, do what is best for me while keeping everyone happy as well.  Sometimes it's all easier said than done, we can't please everyone all of the time!  It's only when we have an experience that puts us face to face with the issue that we understand its true meaning.  We cannot live by others experience of life, we must have our own experiences as we walk our path.

This is my understanding of being true to yourself:

I have lived my life where I looked outside myself for someone to take care of me, and I did this unconsciously because this was my conditioning.  I did not realise this even when I was on my own and took care of myself.  There was always someone to fall back on.  A few years ago I just gave up my power (again unconsciously) to someone else without even realising what I had done.

And I can tell you giving up your power and letting someone taking control of your life will never end well (at least in my experience).  Things can go well for years, it's only in difficult times that you are faced with reality.  I did not have the strength to take on everything that was coming my way, the tensions were too much for me, my life started to literally fall apart.  I could not be the strength and support for my partner even when that was what I wanted to do.  Sticking together and being the strength for each other is very important when going through tough times, because that is how we can hold each other up.  But I was unable to do this and this is when cracks start appearing in a relationship and tensions arise.  Love for each other will always be there, Love never changes, but what happens is that if we don't have the strength to withstand external pressures, it is inevitable that it will affect a relationship.  And how we react to and resolve issues will determine whether the relationship gets stronger or not.

I feel the essence of being true to yourself is actually looking inside and finding the strength to stand on your own - holding on to your power.  For unless you are happy with who you are and can stand up for yourself, you cannot be the strength for another.  I realise today that by giving up my power and letting someone take the reigns, I was actually not being true to myself.  This is the most important lesson for me right now.

And sometimes you may have to do things that seem drastic, but know that in the long run the temporary discomfort in the present will actually save the relationship and keep the relationship intact, stronger than ever before because we have survived the tough times.  And never forgetting the lessons that we learn along the way.

So to me being true to yourself is to know who you are, connect with your soul, know what you are capable of, know that you don't need anyone else to make you who you are.  Other beings are there to help you realise the real you, not the superficial one that lives unconsciously in this world.  And by realising this, you will know that you will be able to love unconditionally.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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