Monday, 6 May 2013

Do what is best for you

There are all kinds of people in the world, those who encourage you, wish the best for you and will always let you hold your power, those who wish to manipulate you, take your energies from you, want to control you all the time and those in between who while not really meaning to take your power and keep you in their control may end up doing it when circumstances arise.

You may find yourself in a situation where it does not feel right for you to go with the general flow of what is happening, where someone or a group of people may be influencing you to take a certain path, which to you feels wrong.  It is very difficult to go against this, it takes a lot from us, because energetically what happens is that positive energy is being taken from you, making you feel drained and weak and in the end it just becomes easier to give in.

Looking back at my life, there are times when I've stood my ground and walked my path even though I was not sure of where I was going.  I did it because it felt right for me and I knew that anything else would have made me unhappy.  And there are times when I've gone with things as they are believing that it is the best for everyone, and without questioning or thinking if it was right for me.

I had lots of reasons on why I went along with everyone else believing that what seemed right for everyone else was also right for me.  In the process, I gave up a lot before realisation hit that what I had done was not right for me.  But what has happened cannot change, we can only move forwards, and to move forward, I realise that I have to take back my power and do what is right for me, even if it means that others will not see this.  It is a very difficult decision to make, but when you start following your true path again, it becomes easier, even though there may be lots of upsets during the transition period of getting back on the path.

I guess what I am trying to say here is that, you should follow your heart, your soul in everything, don't be swayed by others trying to get you to do things which may not be in your best interest.  It does not mean that you are selfish and that you hurt others, it just means that you need to do things differently where everyone keeps their power, finding the right way so that everyone walks their path.

And having said all this, I am grateful for the experiences that I've had even when not following my heart, because these experiences have helped me to understand and realise what I needed to and get me to where I am right now.  And to me the most important lesson right now is not to allow others to take my power.  I am not going to be a pushover for others to walk over!

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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