Sunday 14 October 2012

Materialism in our lives


I’ve just had to go through the experience of moving house and putting everything in storage while we wait to finalise our next home.  The entire experience of packing and shifting things was something to learn from.

I remember years ago when I moved from one place to another, I had a maximum of two suitcases with clothes and some sentimental things.  Over the years I’ve collected more “stuff” and moving now includes not only material things but pets as well.  I love my pets dearly and will gladly do whatever it takes to make sure that they are with me wherever I am.

But what about the material things I have?  Can I say the same about them?  My husband and I packed for 4 days with hardly any sleep because we had a deadline to vacate the house, tensions were strong between us because of all that we had to do and finish in a short space of time and we had to deal with others to do the actual physical shifting of everything into storage.  As the saying goes “All is well that ends well”.  We did what had to be done and we can now breathe easy.  But those few days were trying and I know that I was not the easiest person to deal with during that time.

Since then I’ve had the time to reflect on what all the material things we collect actually means to me.  I can look at each and every item I have and know where and when it was purchased, what it means to me and so on.  And I admit that I love my material comforts, I like to live in a nice home surrounded by nice things.  But where do we draw the line between having enough to live comfortably and going overboard buying things that look nice and then not using it.  I used to shop a lot before, but over the years, it has slowed down and I can now see that the material things are not important and what is the real point anyway, because we can’t take it with us when we pass on.  So why and how have we as human beings got into the habit of buying and accumulating so much that it actually affects humanity in a negative way when there are people who cannot even afford one set of clothes or basic things for a house?

I believe that all this arises from our disconnection with our soul, with the Divine and our living in only the 3rd dimension, the physical world.  Because we are closed to the reality of who we really are and think that our truth is in the physical world we live in, we base all our actions out of fear.  Fear of not having enough, fear of lacking things, fear of being lesser beings in others eyes, and so on the list goes.  The reality of who we are - Spirit beings taking physical form for a short period of time in this physical world – once we reconnect and know it will set us free. 

Just think if every human being did what he or she has to do, build a comfortable home and provide for their families, but at the same time not go into the mode of having more and more of everything and the mentality of hoarding which is based from fear.  If each of us has the mind-set that every other person on earth must also have what we have and ensure that we do this as well, then I really don’t think that we will see any of the suffering that is currently going on in the world.  It is our responsibility to humanity to ensure that everyone is as well off as we are. 

On my part, I am going to dispose of those surplus things that we are not using regularly knowing that it will go to those who need it more than me.  And in future I will think twice and then again before I buy something which I may not use.

In Love and Light

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