Wednesday 3 October 2012

You never know until you try

Image source: Samuel Greenberg's facebook page

When life is going great and you achieve all the things you set out to do, you can look back one day and be happy and know that the world is perfect and just the way you want it to be.

But when life becomes difficult on your path to try something different, something that you believe will work, and it does not work out as you had hoped it would, do you look back and start regretting trying something different or look back and be thankful that you had the opportunity to try something else.

I believe that when we are going through a trying time, it is difficult to see the journey for what it is - a learning experience - and we start feeling dejected and saddened when things don't work out.  It is only human nature, I wish I could say that I am enlightened enough not to think that way, but sadly, I too must undergo the tribulations before I see the truth.

When I look at all the teachers and guides that humanity has had and has with us today, one thing that they all underwent is suffering before they were able to reawaken to their true essence and bring forth their teachings.  So one of the things that I keep in mind is that suffering in not an isolated thing, we must all go through it in some shape or form, sometime in our lives.  It is the magnitude of the suffering that determines how much we grow.  We may be conscious enough that we only need a little push to see the truth, or it it may be that we have to undergo a more intense time before we see the truth, either way, it is something we have to go through.  And even then, it is our choice on whether we decide to accept the truth and grow with it, or resist and decide not to want to change.

I could have lived my life based on what others thought I should have done, but I firmly believe that if I had, I would not have had all the experiences that brought me to where I am right now.  I would not know what I know today if I did not try something different.  And I am exactly where I need to be right now.

For me, I am grateful for what is and has been in my life.  It has made me the person I am today.  I am happy that I am able to live my life on my terms, I may make wrong decisions and choices that I have to change, but then again, they may not be wrong at all, it is what had to happen to take me to the next level of my evolution.

I am grateful and thankful for my life as it is.

Live your life the way that is best for you, not for others.

In Love and Light

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