Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Angels with us

Angels, those wonderful beings we hear of,
They are mentioned in all religions, Messengers of God,
They are here to help all beings,
All we have to do is ask for their help.

There are so many angels helping with all areas of our lives,
Angels are always with us, waiting for us to ask them for help,
In times of trouble and in times of joy, they are with us.
Some of the signs they leave us to let us know they are with us are;
White feathers, coins in unlikely places

In my times of trouble, I asked them to show me a sign that they were with me,
Because for us humans, seeing is always believing,
We doubt, when we do not see physical proof,
And here is what they showed me.

I woke up one morning after one such time when I asked them to show me a sign to find white feathers all over the garden, where there were none the day before.  I had to take this photograph to remind myself never to doubt again.  Another time, I found a coin under my pillow, and I know that I did not keep a coin under my pillow.  I was out walking yesterday communicating with my angels and just generally talking to them when I reached the furthest point in my walk, turned and started waking back.  And to my amazement and joy, there were white feathers where I had just walked a few minutes back!  I can't begin to tell you how happy seeing those feathers made me feel, I don't need any more proof that my angels are with me always, and every time I see a sign it makes me happy.

All we have to do is be open to receiving messages from our angels, all we have to do is ask them for help.  They will help only when we ask them for help.  They will never intrude if we do not want them to.  But they are there if you choose to communicate with them.

I can tell you that it is wonderful being to in communication with Angels.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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