Tuesday 30 April 2013

The best things in life are free

To love someone,
Enjoying the sunshine,
Watching the starry sky,
Bonding with your pet,
Being happy with who you are,
Doing a random act of kindness,
Helping others when they are down and assisting them to get back on their feet,
Making a smile brighten another being's day,
Sitting quietly and observing nature,
Walking in nature,
Being still and listening to your angels,
Being in communion with the Divine through everything you do.

Everything in our world revolves around money, it has unfortunately become the essence of our lives.  The phrase "money is the root cause of all evil" has some truth to it, because we human beings have made it so.  If we look around the world, the difference between those who have money and those who don't is so extreme.  And the truth is that there is enough money in the world for each and every human being living on the planet.

Money in itself is not bad, it does not have a bad energy, we have given it this.  When we made money the foundation on which we built everything else, we also based it on fear.  Fear of not having enough, fear of not being accepted by those who have money, fear of not owning everything around us, fear of how we will live if we don't have money.  Some of these fears are real and so many people are suffering because of this - not being able to have the basic necessities in life of food, shelter and clothing.  In today's world, if you don't have money, you cannot survive and that is the unfortunate truth.  And anything based on the foundation of fear is bound to fail.

If we build our foundation on Love, the opposite of fear, everything suddenly changes.  It does not mean that we don't need money in our lives, but when it's based on Love, our perspective of money and how we deal with it changes. We are not insecure about not having enough and we are able to share the abundance with others.  When we realise that money is not the basis of our lives, we are able to open ourselves to the simple pleasures of life based on Love and compassion.  We are able to open ourselves to helping other beings without the expectation of receiving something in return.  And we find that we get joy from these simple pleasures, realisation that helping others is a joy in itself.  We are able to shift our focus from activities that revolve around money and start enjoying the simple pleasure that make us feel better.

And we also give money a positive energy when we base it on Love, it does not have the negative connotations that it has right now, and we will be able to attract more of it in our lives positively because of the energy we give it.

I think that by changing our thoughts and beliefs about money, by making Love the foundation of everything we do, by being secure in the knowledge that we will always have everything that we ever need in life, by enjoying everything around us, by sharing our abundance with everyone, we will actually start attracting more wealth into our lives - and by wealth I mean wealth in every area of our life.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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