Saturday, 25 August 2012

Growing in our path

I’m sharing the following information that I found important for my growth as I go through life.

“There are many pathways in the heart that need to be opened in order for us to enter into oneness with our God Self. Three of the major chambers are located at the bottom (self love), middle (human to human experiences/duality) and top (soul and higher self) of the heart. The top of the heart is the thymus that connects to the endocrine system ~ it is very important for ascension. The thymus activates and opens the hypothalamus, pineal, pituitary glands and expands the middle and bottom portions of the heart. As the heart expands we open ourselves up to experience unconditional love and the re-member-ance of our true, divine, eternal self.

In order for us to reach this state, the blocks in our energy fields mainly, the chakra system needs to be cleared and purified. Divine energy from Mother Earth will rise up the root chakra ~ sacral chakra ~ solar plexus chakra and then into the heart. The first part of the heart divine energy touches is the bottom portion of the heart which relates to SELF LOVE. If we do not have self love, divine energy will get stuck in the lower portion of our heart unable to rise into the higher chakras where divine illumination occurs.

Once we clear the blocks in our lower heart choosing self love for ourselves we will then reach the middle part of the heart where we encounter blocks from our human to human relationships. This is very important for those of us on the ascension path ~ we need to clear out our resentment, pain, unforgiveness, blame, judgment, shame and trauma towards ourself and others in the middle heart in order to clear the blocks so divine energy can flow through it. This is a critical time where we need to surround ourselves with loving relationships ~ even if the loving relationship is simply with SELF....sometimes going it alone may be the answer because relationships that are hurtful will continue to create blocks within the heart.

SELF LOVE, SURRENDER, DETACHMENT FROM PAST AND FORGIVENESS are critical if we want to transcend our lower self and ascend into the higher consciousness of our God Self. The heart is the one area where we will trip ourselves up and not attain our birthright of freedom because we have too many painful memories, trauma and distorted beliefs about self love and self preservation contained within the heart that we are unwilling to release.

The biggest obstacles we create for ourselves in the opening of the heart is our inability to feel and process through our feelings, unwillingness to forgive, lack of self love, lack of self awareness and lack of discernment. We must be discerning in everything we do as we open our heart. This is a very sensitive, critical time in our soul’s development. We will need to love ourselves enough to CHOOSE from our own free will to participate ONLY in loving relationships, activities and environments that increase our LIGHT not deplete it”.

Shared from Astrea Sri Ana’s facebook post.
In Love and Light

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