Tuesday 28 August 2012

Taking decisions

How do we take life changing decisions?  Do we follow our heart or give into to others?

There are times in one’s life when we have to take a decision that will change the course of our life, and this may have to be done with no support from family and loved ones.  It is not an easy position to be in; you have to weigh all the options available and then to take that final decision knowing that you will stand alone and face the music.  Doing the right thing and taking the right decision is always tougher than taking the easy way out and going with the flow.

In my life, when I am faced with making an important decision where I know I will be going against what everyone else wants or thinks they want me do, I go within, to my intuition and what I feel and know is right for me.  For in the end I know that whatever decision I take is made by me and if it was the right decision or not, I know that I am the only one accountable for my decision.  I know that I will never blame anyone else for how my life changed because of a decision I took.

Going within and connecting to your intuition / soul whatever you may want to call your essence is to me the key to help me make those difficult decisions.  When I think about the situation and how I feel about the options and course of action that is available to me; what I hold important is analysing how all the options make me feel and also keeping in mind how it will affect others in the situation.  There have been times when the decision has been difficult because doing the right thing to me may have involved hurting another, but then not to take the decision would have meant hurting myself.  I believe that in the end you have to stay true to yourself however difficult it may be, because if you are not true to yourself, then you are not following your path in life.

Please don’t mistake me, I am not saying that one has to be selfish and do whatever one wants to in life without a care for others that the decision may affect.  I am saying that for me when I am faced with taking a decision after considering all possibilities and options and knowing that the best route may not be what is acceptable to everyone else, I have to follow my heart trusting my intuition that I am doing the right thing.

Do you have a different thought process when faced with taking difficult decisions? I would love to read your thoughts.

In Love and Light

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