Saturday 9 February 2013

All roads lead to the same place

Image source: Sun gazing's facebook page

What a lovely picture and caption to see this morning.  And a question I am sure we all ask ourselves sometime or another in life.

Where are we going in this life?  Is there any place we are actually trying to get to conciously or unconsciously? What is this journey all about? And so on and so on.  And we never seem to find the answer.

In my personal experience, when I look back at my life, I see my journey through this life for almost 48 years and I realise that all my experiences are actually only related to this world of ours and all the emotions, feelings, experiences are all only on the physical plane.  While I think it is such a shame that I have spent all my life till now only in the physical plane, I feel this is exactly where I needed to be so that I can come to the realisation of reality at the right time in my life.  And my life till now has brought me to where I need to be to take the next step and walk into who I really am - a spiritual being spending some time here to experience on the physical plane.

I was at a meditation session yesterday and heard this analogy: for a bird in an egg before hatching, its entire world is inside that egg, there is nothing else, it is nurtured by the warmth of its mother and is happy in that existence.  Then comes the moment when the egg shell starts cracking and it sees the light coming in.  And with that light the bird comes to the realisation that there is more than what it knew till then and its world changes.

Now imagine what must be going through that little bird's mind when its shell started cracking, could be "my world is falling apart".  Then the ray of light comes from outside the shell, getting larger and brighter all the time, while the shell around the little bird is breaking, crumbling away, till it is in a new world surrounded by it's family who love it and nurture it till it is all grown up and takes the next big step away from the world it knew till then when it learns to fly.  And so on it goes, as it takes each new step into a new and different world from what it knew before.

I believe it is the same with us, as we grow our world expands with new awareness, new experiences and so on.  All we have to do is take the step into the new confidently knowing that we are on the right track in our self realisation, our growth.  Like when the light first comes through the shell for the bird, we too get that first light when we start reconnecting with the Divine and then little by little our world expands and we experience our new reality.

It does not matter what path or road we take, what our beliefs are, each person has his or her own path which is right for them, its not about judging another or trying to change another person's path.  All we have to do is stay on our path.  And we will all reach the same place at the end of our journey.

I don't know whether this makes any sense, but this is what is coming to me this morning and I felt I must share it.

Each step I take takes me to where I need to go - which I feel is self realisation and communion with the Divine.  There is no where to go, we are where we need to be, we only need to expand our awareness to what we don't know right now.

Have a blessed day.
In Love and Light

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