Tuesday 5 February 2013

Growing as we live

Image source: Sungazing's facebook page             

This picture and the caption captured me when I saw it this morning and made me think of how we grow.

Most of us are fortunate to be born into a loving family and grow up in a home filled with love and care.  Though as we grow up we do find ourselves rebelling as we must, against what we wrongly perceive our parents not letting us do what we want.  We don’t value the advice they give us because we have not experienced life.

We grow up, reach the time when we leave the nest and go out into the world to find our own experiences.  And we are filled with optimism, enthusiasm, nothing can bring us down, we are invincible.

Then life brings us difficulties, sorrows and hardships, some of them so unbearable that all we want to do is give up and let our lives end, because we can’t see any reason to carry on.  But then slowly over time, we start limping back into the world and carry on with our life and over a period of time we get better and carry on living, maybe not back to the enthusiasm of our youth, but with a new perspective on life.

I believe that all the experiences we have make us the person we are, we get moulded by these experiences.  How we react to life is our choice, there is no right or wrong way, though how we react is part of the process of becoming who we are.

I can honestly say that I would not be the person I am today even if one of my life experiences did not happen.  I would not change my life in any way, it is perfect as it is - every thing happening exactly the way it should at exactly the time it did.

I had been asking the question “Do we have to undergo difficulties and hardships to have an awakening?”  I guess the answer is that we do have to get thrown in the dirt and kept in the darkness to come to the light and start growing in the light.  The beautiful thing is that once we come out into the light, we start growing with the light and love of the Divine and nothing can stop us growing.

I am grateful for all the experiences that have brought me to where I am today.  I am grateful for my parents who have stood by me even if they did not agree with things that I did, and I thank God for them and what they mean to me.  I thank my partner for being with me and seeing me through the stuff of life, my dear close and loved friends who stand with me always.  I love you all and am deeply grateful to each of you for your part in my life.  I only hope that I can bring you the same joy that you have brought me.

And I look forward to all my experiences moving forward and know that each of them will be as it should be.

In Love and Light


  1. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post! It's lovely to have you blogging again.

    1. It feels good to be back blogging, it was such a long time.
