Wednesday 27 February 2013

Focus on the solution

Image source: Samuel Greeberg's facebook page

By aligning yourself to the solution, what you choose, you make happen.

By focusing your thoughts on the problem at hand and looking at it from the angle of the problem, you are actually giving the energy to the problem and it will not go away.  You will continue to experience the problem because that is what you are thinking about - the problem - and more importantly NOT FOCUSING ON THE SOLUTION.

We will always get and experience what we think about.  If our thoughts are focused on what we don't want to happen to us, e.g.., I don't want to lose this job, or I don't want to be alone and afraid, or whatever the thought may be, you are actually thinking of the thing that you don't want to happen to you.  And the universe will always give you what you are thinking of.  It does not recognise want or don't want.  So by thinking of what you don't want, you are actually attracting the very same experience to you.

Another thing to be conscious of is also what you are saying - I want or I don't want.  In this thought you are actually wanting something, so the experience you will have is of always wanting whatever it is.  Change your thought to "I choose this experience", or even better is in faith, trust and belief "I am already experiencing what I choose to experience".

Image source: Draganmore's facebook page 

The way we word our thoughts are so important.  If we are facing a challenge and our first thought is that "this is so difficult, I don't know if I can get through this", then that is exactly what you are going to experience.  However if we can change our thoughts to "This is certainly a challenge, but I have already found the solution and it has all worked out" and start emitting those thought vibrations, then that is what you will experience.  The universe can only respond to what you choose to experience.

It is all about the law of attraction, what you think of is what you experience.

This all leads to the fact that we are in control of what we choose to experience.  The situation that happens is the only thing that is not in our control, the rest of it, how we react to the situation and how we deal with it is entirely in our control.  Let of go blaming others for the way your life is - the only person to blame if you don't like what is happening to you is yourself!

And you are the only person who can change your experience.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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