Sunday, 31 March 2013

The light of love, faith and hope

You feel the darkness all around you
You stumble along in life not seeing where you are going
Not in control of what is happening because you are blind in the dark
Unhappy with the darkness all around you
Wishing for some light in your life.

That wish starts to happen
A ray of light pierces through the darkness
Bringing in Love, Faith and Hope
As you embrace the light, it starts to get brighter
Bringing in more and more light
Dispelling the darkness around you.

As you keep going towards the light, embracing and accepting all that it has to offer
The darkness keeps diminishing as it cannot survive in the light
The Light of Love, Faith and Hope shining brightly as you allow it to fill your life.

All it takes is one ray of light
And your willingness to allow the light into your life
Your acceptance that the light is within you and will shine as brightly as you choose.

The Light is your Soul, the God spark within you
Waiting for you to acknowledge and embrace it
And allow yourself to be filled with light.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light
Shoshannah Qwel-Susz

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Honesty and integrity

Honesty, truth and integrity - how do we value this, are we truthful in all we do, or are there times when we tell ourselves that this little lie will not matter, it will not harm anyone?

Friday, 29 March 2013

You are possible

You are possible
Every aspect of you
Every thought that you have
Every action that you do

You are unlimited
You are capable
You are perfect
You are a creation of Love

Never accept less that what you deserve
You have every right to feel Love, happiness, joy

Always know that you are perfect just the way you are
Possible just the way you are

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Life goes on

You are happy
You are sad
You are in love
You are alone

You feel the world is a wonderful place and you have everything you could ever wish for
You are facing difficulties that you could not imagine you would ever have to go through
You have your faith that all things will work out and it will all be well

You go through life experiencing all kinds of situations and emotions
Months, years, decades, it goes on and on

You are caught up in all the euphoria that life brings you
And sometimes all you want to do is just sit back and let everything get the better of you

One thing is certain as you go through it all
You will get through this day and the next day will come
And you will look back at all the todays that you dreamt about yesterday

And through it all life goes on, it always does
It will never stop, not even when you have passed on
For from death comes new life
In a new form
And Life will go on

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

A miracle

What is a miracle?

This is one meaning I got from a dictionary:
"An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency".

How, where and when do miracles happen.  Some of us can list a number of miracles that have happened in our lives, while some of us will not be able to remember any or will say that they are still waiting for a miracle to happen to them.

Why is it that for some of us miracles happen all the time and for others it does not?

I believe it is all about what and how we perceive a miracle.  We can take each moment of each day as a miracle - being thankful for every step we make, all the blessings that we have, all the situations that we experience (whatever it may be), and then we see miracles everywhere.  It can be a small thing as getting a parking space in a very crowded place, a welcome discount you got for something when you were short on finances or it can be something big that impacts our life in a positive way when we least expected it to.  And on the other side of the coin, we can keep waiting for a miracle to happen, telling everyone that you have never experienced a miracle - and that is exactly what you will experience - the waiting for a miracle to happen.

I take each moment in my life a miracle - I am so happy and grateful to be here writing this, for everything that I have experienced so far, for it has given me the awareness to be able to sit here and write.  I have experienced so many miracles, a lot of which I did not think of as a miracle when it happened.  I only realised the miracle when I looked back at the event.  I kept waiting for miracles to happen and missed out on experiencing them when they actually happened.  So now I have changed my perspective and attitude to miracles - I acknowledge that my life is full of miracles and that is exactly what I am experiencing now.

Miracles are there for everyone to experience, it does not matter who or where you are.  Just open your heart and your eyes to experiencing them and you will.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

A little Love goes a long way

Image source: New World Creations facebook page

Love is available in abundance
It does not cost anything to share it with another
It is there for each and every being to feel and be one with It.

Every being that has not felt Love longs for it
It does not matter what their age is, where they are from or even how economically well off or not they are.

It's so easy to share Love
It's so simple to share Love
All it takes is kindness and compassion towards another being.

And the beauty of sharing Love is
That all beings benefit and experience the joy and happiness of Love.

When you act with Love, you make another being happy and loved
And at the same time, you too feel Love within you.

It's a win win situation for all involved.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Monday, 25 March 2013

You are complete

What are you searching for?

We are always searching for something: the perfect partner, love, a better job, a better life without difficulties and pressures, the list is endless.  We all go through life trying to fill the void that we feel within us, looking outside ourselves to fill what we feel is missing.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

It's all small stuff

You can make a problem or issue
As big as you want it to be
Or as insignificant as you wish it to be.

You control how you see the issues that come up in life
Your thoughts dictate how you react towards it.

If you treat is as small and something that you get over easily
Then that is what it will be.

We all initially get caught up in any negative issue that comes up
Thereby giving it power to take over us
If we are aware, we can immediately know that this is what is happening
And nip our negative reaction in the bud before we let the situation get the better of us.

By being conscious and aware at all times
We have the power over our reactions and how we deal with issues.

And more importantly, if we can be positive and calm in the midst of everything
This is the energy that we vibrate and this is what the Universe will send back to us.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Your true self

Image source: Foundation for a Better Life's facebook page

Be true to yourself
You are the centre of who you are
And what you are within is what you show without
If you are not happy with who you are or suppressing who you are to please others
It will only reflect your unhappiness without
You may be able to conceal for a while
But there will be a time when you cannot anymore

You will have to face yourself
You cannot ignore your true self forever

Face yourself, know yourself
Love yourself
And that is what you will reflect out to everyone all the time

And if there are those who are unhappy with who you are
Then they are not meant to be in your life
Release them with love and move towards those who love you for who you truly are.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Friday, 22 March 2013

Let go, forgive and heal

Image source: Sun Gazing's facebook page

There is no need to hold on to all that has hurt you,
It does not help you in anyway.

Letting go of all does not mean that you forget,
You are just letting go of the hold the past events have on you,
It only means that you don't let the past hold you down.

Whatever has happened is what it is,
You can't change it.

You can only change how you feel about whatever has happened.

By letting go of past hurts, by forgiving others,
By forgiving yourself,
You are healing yourself and lifting yourself into higher energies of Love.

Release and let the Love flow in, cleansing and healing you,
You will feel all the better for it.

In Love and Light

Give up or carry on

When faced with moving forward in the face of difficulties
Which path do you take?

The easy one which will be to give up your dreams because achieving it seems so difficult?
Or to gather your strength and keep on the road however tough it may be?

Staying on the path towards your goals can become very trying
Losing support from those who you thought were your friends
Being criticised for not giving up
Finding friends where you never thought you would.

Whatever your decision may be, there is no right or wrong
It's your choice on what you wish to experience
Whether you stay on the path that takes you to realising your dreams
Or whether you compromise and accept defeat during the journey.

Know that you are loved no matter what.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Love will heal you

There is so much love and beauty all around
We only need to open our heart to the connection
It's amazing how you feel when you are connected with nature
The love flows effortlessly
You feel light, like the burdens have been lifted
You can see with more clarity
You are open to the energy from the Universe
Spend as much time as you can in nature
She will nurture and heal you.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Honour Mother Gaia

All around us,
Ever a part of us,
Within and without
Our mother, our nurturer,
Beings filled with love wherever you look
All waiting to embrace us and love us.

Why do we shun this love?
Why do we continue to make our Mother Gaia and its beings suffer.

Let us do our part to end this
By loving Mother Gaia and all the beings that she nurtures
By honouring and respecting each and every being ever created.

In Love and Light
Shoshannah Qwel-Susz

Starting the journey

Image source: Foundation for A Better Life's facebook page

When we have a vision, a goal,
We don't just have the thought and get to the end immediately.

We go through the journey from the first thought of our vision,
To the end when we realise and achieve the goal.

The journey can be a very easy one, or one filled with successes and failures.
As we focus on our goal when we are on the journey,
We should not forget to enjoy the journey and the experiences we have along the way.

Give thanks for all the successes along the way,
And for the failures as well,
For it's the failures that help us grow and adapt ourselves to keep going till we realise our goal.

Don't get disheartened when you fail, its just a way for the Universe to show us that we may not have been on the right track,
That we just need to change lanes a little to keep us on the road to reaching our goal.

The journey is as important as the goal, and unless you decide to take the first step and try, you will never know what you can accomplish.

Enjoy the journey, accept what comes to you, receive it with love, share it freely, keep what is for you and let go of the things that don't serve you anymore.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Forgive and be at peace

Image source: Sun Gazing's facebook page

Today is a new day,
A day full of possibilities and opportunities

To give thanks to all that I have and am surrounded by
I am grateful for the sun that shines,
For the nature surrounding me,
For the Love within and without,
For each and every situation in my life,
To every person that touches me.

I cannot control how others may think, act or feel,
But if anyone should behave in a way that causes me unhappiness,
I forgive them unconditionally,
Because I do not need to take on their negativity.

By forgiving them, I forgive myself and do not allow them to hurt me.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Monday, 18 March 2013

The seasons in my life

We are all connected to the universal flow of life - from birth to death and beyond.

Like the seasons in a year, my life goes through the seasons and is never ending.

Image source: Flower Story's facebook page

The season of birth, beginnings - with a loving family, sheltered from the troubles of the world.  My life lived in happiness and joy.  Looking back at my childhood, I am so grateful for all that I had, my parents gave me security and unconditional love.  Sibling rivalries and such things seem so trivial now, though at the time they seemed so big.  There was always lots of love.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

How much are you worth

Image source: Samuel Greenberg's facebook page

How much are you worth?

Take time out today to assess how much you are worth.

How much do you love yourself?
Are you prepared to let others treat you the way you deserve,
And if they do not, then are you willing to walk away even if it means experiencing pain at the parting?

Face yourself and look deeply within yourself to the core of who you are and what makes you tick,
Finding yourself is the first step to assessing what you are worth.

You should never settle for less than the best for you,
Don't let others decide what is best for you, only you know this.

Reconnect with your soul, your truth, your love
And walk away from what does not serve you anymore,
Start the process to step into what you should be experiencing.

Only you can radiate out how you wish others to see you,
Only you who can accept how others see you.
Show everyone who you really are - a being of love that attracts, receives, accepts, shares and holds Love and loving energy.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Saturday, 16 March 2013

The answer lies within

Image source: Dragonmores's facebook page

My journey thus far was the road I had to travel to where I am today
To who I am today

What a wonderful journey
On my terms, loved every bit of it
Whatever the experience was

And now at the crossroads
With so much to look forward to for the rest of my time here

And the best thing is the knowledge and awareness I have now
All I have to do is feel the magic of life
Within and without
Go with the flow of life taking me to where I am meant to be

The beauty and joy of life
Bringing such peace and love into my life

What I was searching for all my life
Was within me all the time
I had to only open myself to the truth

Shoshannah Qwel-Susz

Don't try to control what you are going through, release outcomes, don't live by your wrong conditioning or those of others.  Feel life for yourself.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Friday, 15 March 2013

You can do it

Image source: Sun gazing's facebook page

How you feel about something is all in your mind.

If you feel you can't do it, then you won't,

If you set your mind to do it, then nothing can stop you.

You may encounter hardships on the way, they are there for a reason;

To help you experience and grow stronger.

And since you are in control, you can decide how you wish to take each experience -

As an enjoyable journey or as a suffering.

The choice is entirely up to you.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Thursday, 14 March 2013

You are perfect

Image source: Dragonmore's facebook page

You are a perfect being,
Made with and through Love.
A being of spirit, much more than your body.

Our body is just a tiny part of who we really are.
Our mind is a part of the body and is programmed to comprehend only from the body's point of view.
Until we re-programme it to comprehend from our soul.

We go through so much false conditioning which is unacceptable.  From the time we are born we are being told that we are not perfect, there is always something wrong with us.  But wrong from who's point of view? Another person who sees him or herself as imperfect because that is their conditioning.

Why don't we look at ourselves from our Creator's point of view - how can the Creator, All That Is, ever create something that is imperfect.  There are so many aspects of creation that no one being can be exactly the same.  Which means that each one of us will be different.

Does that make anyone not perfect, of course not.  Each being is a perfect creation of Love.

If we can change our conditioning to accept this one truth, then we can start correcting a lot of the problems that we create and then blame on others.

Take that step now, accept that you are perfect just as you are and that every other being is also is perfect just as they are.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Don't be afraid of yourself

Image source: Sun gazing's facebook page

Why are you afraid of yourself?

To some people the thought of spending time alone brings up such fear that they would rather be with someone who does not value or appreciate them and undergo the suffering that goes with it.

If this is the way you treat yourself, if you can't appreciate and value yourself, know your yourself and love yourself, how can you expect someone else to do this?  You reflect out what you feel inside and attract that to you.

What is there to fear?  You are the only one who can love yourself unconditionally, love each and everything about yourself.

Spend some time with yourself, get to know who you really are, connect with your essence - and start loving yourself.  You will begin to see changes in yourself when you love yourself.

And with the strength of the love you feel for yourself, you will be able to love others and attract love from others who appreciate you for who you are.

Being alone does not mean that you will not feel love, this is just time to connect with yourself and feel all the love that is there within.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

It's never too late

Imaage source: Foundation for a Better Life's facebook page

You are where you are;
Maybe at the end of a long and difficult time;
There may be things that you are proud and happy that you were able to do,
And there may be things that you are not too happy that you had to undergo.

Whatever you may or may not have done;
Today is a new day.
Forget the past regrets, don't let it stop you from starting again.

Start today as a new day full of opportunities and possibilities,
Full of hope, renewal and promises.
Correct past mistakes if you have to and let it go,
Rejoice in the good that you have done and release it with love.

Have a blessed day.
In Love and Light

Monday, 11 March 2013

Be the One

Image source: Drangonmore's facebook page

Don't wait for others,
Take the lead,
Don't think of how much you have to do

Something you may think is very small or trivial,
Can touch and lift someone else's life in ways you can't imagine.
A smile, saying a kind word, helping someone with their shopping
Something as small as that

Be the One who can bring a change for another.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Saturday, 9 March 2013

It can never go wrong

Image source: Samuel Greenberg's facebook page

Quite often we get upset  because things did not work out the way we thought or wanted it to.
We don't appreciate what is happening to us because we are too caught up in being unhappy.

We get through the time, get over what upset us, adjust to the new situation,
Move on to better times and become happy again because everything is right again in our lives.

And one day when we sit back and look at our life,
We realise that the one thing incident that we were so unhappy about when it happened,
Was the one incident that changed our life for the better.
We may not understand that our suffering is just a process of undergoing and transforming into the new, into what is good for us.

We have to go through the journey in trust and faith that our Soul is on our side, guiding us to our next experience for our highest good.
Our Soul is one with the Divine and will always guide us to move on from the experiences that no longer serve us.

Have faith, it can never go wrong.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Friday, 8 March 2013

Woman, the balancing force

Image source: Flower Story's facebook page

To every woman,
Know that you are precious, wherever you are, in whichever part of the world you may live.

We have been revered as Goddesses,
We have been discriminated against only because of our gender,
We are the strength of our families, the glue that holds everything together,
We are suppressed by male dominated societies, only because they fear our capabilities and act out of that fear.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Know why you choose to undergo abuse

Image source: Sun gazing's facebook page

Why do you allow yourself to be pulled into someone else's negativity?
Into someone else's storm?

Why do you put up with someone abusing you - whether it's physical, mental, financial or whatever?

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

You are the Alpha and the Omega

Image source: Dragonmore's facebook page

You are what you are,
A perfect being, an individuation of the Divine.
You encompass everything within and without.

Stories come, things happen, life changes.
You feel and experience the emotions attached with these events.
Happiness, sadness, loss, anger, joy, love - the list is endless.

You are the centre of all that is,
Creating your situations and the experiences you wish to feel at the time.

Don't forget that you are the Creator of your experiences,
And that experiencing and feeling everything is why you have come to this plane.
This I feel is the most important thing to remember.
For by getting caught up in our life stories, events, experiences, we tend to forget this vital bit of information.

You are the Alpha and the Omega in your journey.
No one can change that or take that away from you.
Experience everything as you should, feel every emotion that you go through.
But when you choose to no longer experience that - you and only you can change that.

You are the centre of creation, radiating outward what you choose to experience.
When everything is said and done, all the stories and events done,
You will still go on.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Change is enjoyable

Image source: Sun Gazing's facebook page

Change always seems so daunting to us;
It's because we can't see in our limited vision what the change will bring.
It seems more secure staying with what we know, in our comfort zone,
Where everything seems fine.

Our eyes and minds are closed to all the possibilities and realities that await us when we change into the new.
It's only when we experience the change that we see what we were missing till then.

We can fight to stop the change from happening, but that does not mean it will.
Or we can gladly dive into it and accept the change and the transition will be enjoyable.

Deal with change by taking one step at a time.
Don't get daunted by all the things that have to be done to reach your goal.
Instead just do one thing at a time, focusing on the task at hand,
And rejoice and giving thanks for the success of each step.

And then when you look back after a while, you realise how much you've achieved,
How much you've moved forward in the change and towards achieving your goal.
You also realise that the journey was not hard at all,
And that you actually enjoyed the journey to get to where you are.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Monday, 4 March 2013

Only you can take the decision

Image source: Sun gazing's facebook page

Only you can take the decision,
Others may guide you with love and give you advice from their experiences,
But it is not your experience, others can only talk from what they know.

And some others may guide you through their fears,
Again, it is from their experience or non experience that they talk.

Your experience is unique to you,
Only you can make that journey,
And only you can take the decision.

The path may be unknown, there may be fears about how it will work out.
Whether you will be able to stand on your own if others don't stand by your decision.
But unless you take the decision and walk the path you will never know.

One thing that is sure is that if you do take the decision which you feel in your heart is the right one,
Step forward with love, faith and trust in your heart, in your soul and the Divine,
Believe that what you are doing is what you are meant to do,
Then yes, the Universe, which is the Divine with all the glory will conspire to make it happen.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Until we find our true self

Image source: Astrea Sir Ana's facebook page

You feel weary, tired, lost, ready to give up,
The path has been strewn with problems with no end in sight.
All you want to do is sit down, admit defeat, let the world and it's troubles get the better of you,
Because it is too difficult to deal with it all.

At the time when you give up, when you've put down all your defences,
The miracle happens.
It does not announce itself in loud noise and come with bright and shining lights.
It happens in a flash, in a nano second:
Something happens which we can't explain, but suddenly the energy shifts;
The blockages that were there before have suddenly vanished;
You find the strength to walk again, face the difficulties.
The troubles and difficulties have not gone away, but you have the strength to carry on,
Deal with everything and resolve all the issues.

What do you think actually happened?
I believe that this is the moment when we allow our soul to take over.
We change our focus from trying to control the situations with our closed mind,
To connecting with our soul and the Divine.
This is when we are reconnected to the Divine within and one with all creation.
And in this union, we find our true self.

I believe this is the journey that we have to walk to find out who we really are.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Love yourself first

Image source: Astrea Sri Ana's facebook page

Who knows you better than anyone?

The one being who can love you unconditionally no matter how you behave or what you do - is you.

Why does it become so difficult for us to love ourselves unconditionally and completely?

You are a perfect creation of God just as you are - let go of all those preconditions that you have taken on that you are less than perfect or that you are not as good as others.  They do not serve you at all.

Love yourself as you've never done before.  Connect with your soul and you will find everything that you thought you did not have or was lacking.

You are a perfect creation created from love.

And as you love yourself, you will see that you emit more love outwards into everything around you.

And in turn all that you are surrounded with starts reflecting that love back to you.

We are all connected in love, by loving yourself unconditionally first, you will be able to love everything and everyone unconditionally.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light