You feel the darkness all around you
You stumble along in life not seeing where you are going
Not in control of what is happening because you are blind in the dark
Unhappy with the darkness all around you
Wishing for some light in your life.
That wish starts to happen
A ray of light pierces through the darkness
Bringing in Love, Faith and Hope
As you embrace the light, it starts to get brighter
Bringing in more and more light
Dispelling the darkness around you.
As you keep going towards the light, embracing and accepting all that it has to offer
The darkness keeps diminishing as it cannot survive in the light
The Light of Love, Faith and Hope shining brightly as you allow it to fill your life.
All it takes is one ray of light
And your willingness to allow the light into your life
Your acceptance that the light is within you and will shine as brightly as you choose.
The Light is your Soul, the God spark within you
Waiting for you to acknowledge and embrace it
And allow yourself to be filled with light.
Have a blessed day
In Love and Light
Shoshannah Qwel-Susz