Thursday 28 March 2013

Life goes on

You are happy
You are sad
You are in love
You are alone

You feel the world is a wonderful place and you have everything you could ever wish for
You are facing difficulties that you could not imagine you would ever have to go through
You have your faith that all things will work out and it will all be well

You go through life experiencing all kinds of situations and emotions
Months, years, decades, it goes on and on

You are caught up in all the euphoria that life brings you
And sometimes all you want to do is just sit back and let everything get the better of you

One thing is certain as you go through it all
You will get through this day and the next day will come
And you will look back at all the todays that you dreamt about yesterday

And through it all life goes on, it always does
It will never stop, not even when you have passed on
For from death comes new life
In a new form
And Life will go on

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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