Thursday 14 March 2013

You are perfect

Image source: Dragonmore's facebook page

You are a perfect being,
Made with and through Love.
A being of spirit, much more than your body.

Our body is just a tiny part of who we really are.
Our mind is a part of the body and is programmed to comprehend only from the body's point of view.
Until we re-programme it to comprehend from our soul.

We go through so much false conditioning which is unacceptable.  From the time we are born we are being told that we are not perfect, there is always something wrong with us.  But wrong from who's point of view? Another person who sees him or herself as imperfect because that is their conditioning.

Why don't we look at ourselves from our Creator's point of view - how can the Creator, All That Is, ever create something that is imperfect.  There are so many aspects of creation that no one being can be exactly the same.  Which means that each one of us will be different.

Does that make anyone not perfect, of course not.  Each being is a perfect creation of Love.

If we can change our conditioning to accept this one truth, then we can start correcting a lot of the problems that we create and then blame on others.

Take that step now, accept that you are perfect just as you are and that every other being is also is perfect just as they are.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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