Monday 25 March 2013

You are complete

What are you searching for?

We are always searching for something: the perfect partner, love, a better job, a better life without difficulties and pressures, the list is endless.  We all go through life trying to fill the void that we feel within us, looking outside ourselves to fill what we feel is missing.

If we can be completely honest with ourselves, we will realise that in any interaction that we have with another in whatever situation, whether it is a romantic one, a new job, with a friend, whatever, we are looking for something in that situation to complete us.

And when we feel that this has not happened, we immediately start finding fault with that interaction, seeing things that did not seem to matter at the start because we were so caught up in the euphoria of the happy feelings that we initially had.

This is so true especially in a romantic relationship where the first stages of the relationship are so wonderful. You can't bear to be away from the other person and you go through intense emotions of love.  But inevitably this feeling starts to fade away as it becomes a longer lasting relationship and the daily stuff start getting in the way.  And if things gets worse, you start finding fault with your partner and sometimes the very things that were endearing at the start of the relationship are the things that start annoying you about your partner.  And the same goes with a new job, the initial excitement of the job fades away to be replaced with routine, boredom, complaining and so on.

So what happened? what changed?  - if we look within, we realise that we did not find what we were looking for, that complete connection with Love.  The simple truth to this is that what we are searching for is already with us.

As we reconnect with ourselves, we start to realise that our Soul / Spirit / God particle within us, has all that we were looking for outside.  Connecting with your true self is in reality connecting with the Divine force that is creation - that is within and without all that exists.  And with that connection we find the truth - that all we have been searching for is actually already within us.  And when we realise this truth, we see that we don't need anyone or anything else to complete us, we are already complete.

This does not mean that we don't need to be in a relationship with another, by entering into a relationship with another, what we are doing is expressing the love that is already within us, sharing what we have with another.  And when we enter into an interaction from this state of mind, we are able to accept the other for what he / she is with the knowledge that we do not need anything from the other, we are only expressing the Love that we hold within.

We are all in different stages of realisation and there are those who already know this truth and have long lasting and enduring relationships, blessed are they all.  We learn as we grow and evolve, just know that where you are is where you are meant to be at this moment in time.

And most importantly remember that we are all complete and perfect beings created in Love.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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