Monday 24 September 2012

Letting go


I think letting go has been one of the hardest challenge for me till now.  By letting go, I mean letting go of the past, the present and the future; everything that has happened or not happened in my life.

I understand that our past defines the person that we become, so in effect our experiences in life mould our character and the person we become.  But when I think about this, our experiences never stop, we keep living and having new experiences each and every moment of life.  Even not experiencing something is an experience in itself – the stillness and non action bring us that experience.  And so this must be our present.  And if we keep thinking of what happened to us and how we should or should not react in a new experience; that shapes our future experiences.

So where does the letting go begin, and what are we letting go of?

There is so much to read on this subject, live in the present moment and so on, but I feel reality is something else.  How I see myself at this moment of time based on my previous experiences and what I choose to experience next; what emotions do I hold about all of this; what brought me to the understanding of these emotions and how I let my life get coloured by them.

What comes to my mind is that if I hold negative emotions or thought forms, then my experiences start bringing more of the same negative emotions, it’s almost like I am actually bringing new experiences that bring the same negative emotions that I say I don’t want anymore.  How do I shift my thought process to bring in the positive emotions that I choose to experience?

I believe this is where the letting go comes in.  Yes, I accept that things that have happened in my life have shaped or formed the person that I am today, but I am gradually beginning to understand that I only have to accept and acknowledge the things that have happened, I don’t need to hold onto the negative emotions that I have attached to the events.  Because at the end of the day, it’s the energy of the negative emotions that determine what my next experience will be.  So if I let go of all the negative emotions that I hold on to (hurt, anger, betrayal, etc.) I am releasing myself from the negative and lower energy fields that I live in.  And by releasing myself, I can move to the higher and positive energy based on love to determine what my next experience will be.

This to me is letting go and I find this very difficult to do.  Somehow the human mind seems to thrive on dramatizing and glorifying our negative emotions.  It is only through conscious effort that we can change this habit.  I am now constantly alert to my thinking and when I feel myself going into a negative thought process, I immediately acknowledge this process, and I consciously stop the thought process at that point.  I then start thinking of positive outcomes because that is the only thing that will lift my energy  level to higher and positive energies.

This is an ongoing process, but I know that through perseverance and persistence I can let go of what does not serve me anymore and bring forth the positive experiences that I choose to have in my life.

In Love and Light

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful and well written post that explains indepth of what letting go is all about, the effect of negative emotions and how to let go. I don't think I have come across any article on 'Letting Go' that's as inspiring and enlightening as what you wrote.
