Tuesday 23 April 2013

Beauty - its what you feel that matters

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - such a well known phrase.  But what does it really mean?

I think the most common interpretation of this is when we refer to seeing beauty in another person, and sometimes we can't see why someone sees beauty in another and the only way the 3rd person can explain it is by saying this phrase.

There is so much more to this phrase than this one interpretation and on many different levels.  Beauty is about how you feel about yourself and about what you do.  Why are butterflies, flowers, trees, nature, animals all so beautiful?  Why do we feel they are beautiful when we see them?  It's because they know their beauty, are comfortable in their beauty and project it outwards.  That is what they know, they don't have to be told by another being that they are not beautiful, and in their absolute knowledge they let everyone else know their truth as well.

I think human beings are the one species that look for outside acknowledgment of their beauty, bound by parameters set by a small group of people on what is beautiful and what is not.  There is such a lot of hullabaloo about the perfect size for women, and anything outside this is considered fat, the same goes with men - if they have a lean muscular body then they are attractive, otherwise not.  And often it is this  discomfort with not being able to comply with the society norms that make it worse for a person, because they either starve themselves or overeat to compensate for how they feel, which leads to a lot of the dysfunctions and ill health that comes with it.

The only being who can make you happy with yourself is YOU, nobody else can.  You are the beholder.  If you are comfortable in your skin and are happy the way you are, you will reflect that outwards and that is what people will see.  And if others are too shallow to see the beauty within, then you do not need their negativity - just let it go and keep your power.

On the other hand, if you are not happy with who you are, what you look like, maybe how you behave with others, go within to find the reason why and take steps to rectify whatever it is.  For me, I have put on some weight over the last few years, making me very uncomfortable.  I don't like what I see when I look in a mirror, and I long to go back to the weight I was before.  When I look within, I can see the things that I am sad and unhappy about and this is what is influencing what I am projecting outward.  I need to rectify the things that are making me unhappy, accept things that can't be changed, make peace with who I am today.  By being focused on accepting me for who I am, within and without, I am sure that I can overcome my weight issues.

it's all about being happy with yourself, with who you are.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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