Sunday 28 April 2013

The feminine - balance and harmony

It's Sunday morning, I've been up for more than two hours, and just got a chance to sit down now.  I even had my coffee standing up!!  Not wanting to go into detail and boring everyone; the morning chores, sending my husband off for his cricket having made a hot breakfast and a packed lunch, looking after our pets needs, I finally get to sit down for a little while.

Women are by and large wired to be nurturing and giving, always doing for others before considering themselves first.  And in most societies (however much we would like to believe that men and women are equal) women are brought up with the teaching that however successful they are, at some point they must give precedence to their male partner.  I am not generalising, there are men who do this as well with their partners, and I applaud them, because they are courageous to step away from the hierarchy of society norms of what mens roles are.

My mother is a perfect examples of this, she has given for her family all her adult life.  She was brought up in a progressive surrounding receiving a good eduction and I know she had dreams of a professional life.  But she had to give up these dreams as she put her family first, looking after my Dad before children came along and then looking after all of us, pets, running the house.  She continues to do this even as she has her own health problems, because without her, the house would fall apart.  My mother in law had to work and run the house, look after the family making sure that everything was taken care of so that no one missed out.  She used to get up at dawn to get everyone ready for the day before she set out for work each day and then on coming back she had to do everything in the house, because that was her responsibility.

I remember my childhood, everything was taken care of, my siblings and I lived in comfort and helped out with the chores only occasionally.  It's only today that I realise how much she has been doing for all of us.  And I know the same goes with my husband and his sister, they too appreciate all that their mother did only now as we go through the same experience.

Coming back to women and their inherent qualities of being nurturing and giving which is all very good, I also believe that we as women should also give time for ourselves.  This is most important because we can't keep giving all the time.  We have to replenish our energies and be happy with who we are,  for without this we can't continue to keep giving to everyone.

We need to take time off for ourselves everyday even if its just 10 or 20 minutes in the day, doing something that is only for ourselves.  Take up a pass time which you've always dreamt of, spend time just relaxing, meditate if that is what makes you happy.  Something that is only for you, because you are important, you must nurture yourself as you nurture your family.  And because it is now time for us to step up, acknowledge our role in humanity and take the reigns for the future.

We have just undergone about 2000 years of the dominance of the masculine energy.  Women and men who are more feminine have come under the worst treatment ever possible, unjust, cruel, degrading, the list goes on.  We have now started the process into the age of aquarius - the age of the feminine when we will bring in the energies of balance and harmony, peace and love.

We are undergoing the difficult transition time when the masculine energy is trying to hold on to its power, resisting the change that is inevitable.  And that is why we are suddenly seeing increased suffering and persecution around the world.

It is time for us beings with more feminine energy to step and come into ourselves, bringing in the energies of peace, love and harmony into dominance.  We have to help the masculine energies to understand that they are not losing their power, because the fear of losing the masculine power is what is making those beings behave the way they do.  We have to help nurture and make the masculine energy understand that everyone benefits and we all grow together in the new age - one of understanding, peace and harmony, with everyone taking care of the other.

It is time that we strengthen ourselves so that we can extend our nurturing and giving nature to our communities and together we can all start making our planet a better place.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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