Sunday 7 April 2013

Let go, release and allow the new to come in

Let go, release and make space for better and brighter to come to you.

What does this really mean? How easy is it to let go of something that you hold on to dearly with the faith and hope that things will get better, everything is going to get sorted out, I just need to hold on for a little while longer?

Letting go of something or someone can be very painful and an extremely difficult thing to do.  We cling on to all those feelings that made us love the person or situation and why we chose to be in the situation, closing ourselves to the reality that it does not serve us anymore.  And most importantly we hold on to the thought and feeling that it will get better if we just hang in there for a little while longer.  This is the time we pray to the Divine God to help us and deliver us from the bad situation and make everything alright and so on.  We want everything to be perfect the way we planned it and how we see our life to be.

How we see our life and what is perfect for us is from our view and perspective on life.  And I have to say there have been times in my life when I prayed for something and when it did not happen it was very painful and to me the end of what I knew till then.  But looking back at my life, I can see that whatever happened after my suffering was always better than what was before, taking me to a better and brighter life.  I could not see it then, but I can see it now.

We are always being told to have faith and believe in God for the Divine knows what is best, but it is not an easy thing for the majority of us.  I am only now beginning to understand what this means.  To me it means a leap of faith into the unknown with complete trust that I will be in a better place as I go through life, it can never go wrong.  I see it as letting go of my preconceived notions of how my life should be and where I should be and what I should be doing.  I am only looking at things from my limited perspective of life, it's literally like having blinkers on.

Fear of the unknown is the biggest deterrent in letting go and releasing because we do not know what will come next.  We may feel being in a difficult situation is better than going into the unknown where we do not know what will come.  And this fear stops most of us from letting go and releasing what does not serve us anymore.

The change that we have to undergo may be a major one, a radical one that shakes us completely, shifting us out of our comfort zone, taking away the old that had to be released, for only then can the new enter.  Often when we are so closed that we cannot even begin to accept the change that has to occur, an event comes about that will literally pull us out of the bad and into the new.  The transition is not an immediate or instant one from the old to the new, it will involve pain as the old is being shed but gradually things will start to change and get better and everything gets sorted out over a period of time.

Having trust and faith that whatever happens is always for the best, that everything will only always take us to better and brighter gives us the strength to deal with everything that comes our way in the knowledge that what is happening is as it should be.

Our suffering will reduce if we take away our resistance to the change that is necessary to our growth and evolution, trusting that all roads lead to the right destination, enjoying the journey that we are on.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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