Saturday 13 April 2013

We are all equally worthy

When we think of Masters or Teachers or Gurus, they always seem to be someone who has already passed on, or in some rare cases they are here today and held in reverence by all those around.

We acknowledge and hold these Masters and Teachers in great respect and those who have accepted their teachings live a more conscious life having found the truth for themselves.

Where does that leave the rest of us? Do we all have to just accept what other beings tell us from their experience or do we strive to connect with the Divine and find the truth for ourselves? And if you look at the lives of the Great Masters and Teachers, all of them underwent their struggles before reaching the place from where they strived to tell everyone else of their experience and the truth.

The difference between accepting teachings blindly and accepting the truth after we have ourselves walked the path and come to the truth is the difference between living unconsciously and consciously.  We can all walk around saying that we are faithful to our religion and do everything as our religion preaches, but if we do this as a ritual rather than as a truth, then we live without experiencing the truth for ourselves.

And why do we think that we can't be instruments or channels for God's teaching? Why does it have to be someone else? Or why do we tend to shun a Teacher who we may personally know because we can't accept that someone as ordinary may be a teacher?

The Divine works through every being in existence, with some reconnecting with the Divine and knowing the truth and others not.  That does not make anyone better or not than the other.  The Divine works through each of us as it is right for us, all we have to do is acknowledge that the Divine works through us and live consciously in our truth.

Know that you are as worthy as the next being of being a channel for the Divine to work through, after all how can She not, because we are part of Him.

Have a blessed day
In Love and Light

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